About Evolutis



Evolutis was created in 1999 by a group of persons all highly experienced in the orthopaedic implantable device field.

Jean-Michel Peguet is the president of Evolutis. He and the group of associates decided to create this new company when the major american orthopaedic player they were working for, and whom had an important R&D department and a manufacturing facility in Roanne (France) took the decision to close the facility and relocate its employees.

The initial motivation was to maintain employment for previous co-workers and to keep their valuable know-how alive and kicking.

The company began with development and engineering contracts for third party companies, and very soon it started designing and developping its own brands of products.


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Evolutis masters the entire process of implant manufacturing from the design and development phase to the post-marketing surveillance phase. This includes validation, manufacturing and marketing (with the exception of plasma coating technology) of prosthetic joint implants.

A group of highly skilled and specialized surgeons are partners to Evolutis on every new project. They drive us to define the technical characteristics and estimate the performance level of the implants in terms of function for the patient and resistance during its lifetime of use.


Various manufacturing steps: machining, polishing, laser etching
3D control, assembly in controlled athmosphere, final packaging, clean room area


The R&D is the main axis of development of Evolutis

Besides the permanent improvement of the already launched on the market implantable devices, Evolutis commits every year a significant part of the annual turnover in the development of new implants, every new generation of which brings a considerable improvement for the patient and for his(her) surgeon in term of long-term security, improvement of the functional outcomes, the reduction of the complications and the ease of use. While limiting itself voluntarily to its fields of expertise (hip, knee, and upper limb), Evolutis maintains a permanent and international technology watch. This drives Evolutis to develop permanently its product portfolio in order to adapt to the evolution of the existing markets, and to comply with the new developping markets.

A continuous growth since 1999
Evolutis shares its activity between direct, or through business partners, marketing in France and at the international of Evolutis brand prostheses, and the design and manufacture in subcontracting of OEM prostheses marketed by other orthopaedic companies.

This dual positioning allowed Evolutisto grow every year since its creation in 1999, in spite of a national market close to the stagnation, and an increasing pressure of healthcare governmental systems of most countries on the prices.

Today, Evolutis Group generates more than half of its revenue from exports and aims to pursue international development as a priority.

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